Legend has it that Robert Johnson shook the pact with the devil at a crossroads, by selling his soul in exchange for the talent to play guitar like no one had ever done before. The blues was born: soaked from the beginning of arcane magic and ghostly. Precisely for this reason even today its formulas, its rituals and language remain unknown and hidden.
Lost Angels In Mississippi , Fabrizio Poggi decoding mechanisms that build the atmosphere robberies and courses that underlie the devil's music, and does so through a mixture of micro-stories, narrative fragments fit together like pieces of enamel and the same mosaic. A fresco so fascinating to assume the contours of a cultural and literary journey that smells like sulfur and distilleries, guitars and demons, and that leads to progressively transform the work into a ballad about black music.
A fascinating wander, then, that draws a socio-historical geography, as well as musical, astounding and full of ideas. A book that, in an effective gallery of characters, does not fail to trace the lives of the main pioneers of the blues - from BB King Bessie Smith, Elmore James Buddy Guy - but also said the double talk, the language of "hidden "with which the blacks do not speak for themselves understood by whites, el'hoodoo, that set of popular beliefs and practices magical or propitiatory, linked to the African world.
Angels lost the Mississippi then mixes music criticism and anthropological research, narrative and adventure travel in a combination of languages \u200b\u200band rhythms really exciting and unmissable.
Saturday we will talk about everything in the library, I hope to meet many souls blues, there is an intersection or not ...