Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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interesting ...

Dear friends I post an article from the site clandestinoweb inherent in a survey just released that sees our coalition retrieve several points on the favorite candidate by Formigoni again grouping of government: A survey

Spincon as released by the Election Committee of Filippo Penati, from 'the center-left candidate for president of the Lombardy region in sharp comeback. "By comparing the data with those of a survey conducted by another research institute two weeks ago would have earned six points in two weeks," it said in a statement. The company
'group has investigated a selected sample by gender, age' and geographic area of \u200b\u200bresidence of 600 people. Asked if he would vote Roberto Formigoni Filippo Penati, or 40.2% gave their preference to Penati, 53.5% to Formigoni.
6.1% and 'represented by undecided. The data - continues - report a significant recovery since the last European. The 'fork' between the center-right coalition (PDL and Lega Nord) and the center-(Pd, IDV, and Left and freedom ') and is' reduced from 27% to 13%. " (AGI).


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