Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How To Stop Men Groping You

Region Foreign

Monday, March 29.
I get up, go to work, greeting colleagues, and at the end of the day I start the computer, I go on the internet in search of the election results.
I'm interested in two things, mainly. The result of Joseph
Civati \u200b\u200b... 10 thousand-odd votes, Vai, has been confirmed. With more data, and some bird had four competitors in the party I was also told that there has been no "favorite" (but never mind, one may still murmur in Desio ...).
The second, the extent of the weakening "expected" of the PDL. Very little, unfortunately. The League, but goes beyond the weather, and except for Lecco (BRIVIO great!) Is buying up council and votes.
colleagues, they see the object of my interest and I ask, "Berlusconi, in Gagné encore?" "Oh, c'est pas possible! Mais c'est Berlusconi's Mafia! "" Ah corn plus c'est la Ligue du Nord ou fascist Forza Italia? "Obviously
for them, not understood, and understand them. They are used to living in a normal country. I remember a cousin who often scold me for always supporting the distorted image that the leftist press colpevolissima spreads. As if in France read the drive, so to speak. But in my adopted country, contrary to assumption, as in many others we read everything, and everywhere. Only one thing remains unchanged: the view that poor circulation on Governments Italian center-right.
Some argue that "from outside, has several objectives.
In fact, before I lived in Brianza separate from the house. Today I live in Normandy, and I have never felt so close to home. The foreign land, is where I lived before.

PS in France, finished 22-1, if I hear someone say that 7-6 is still an encouraging result ... mmmm!!


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