Friday, December 24, 2010
Francois Marithe Girbaud Online
Cosimo Forina , that of the "gentle revolution" has decided to cancel the December 31 sleepers. By next year, the "thing" to take some other name and position, unless programmed in the Regional Council in February on the reordering Health in Puglia, the proposed amendment is approved by the Regional Councillor Roger Mennea
(Pd), which maintains a unique code for hospital and Spinazzola Minervino Murge. What happened yesterday? The medical director of the garrison dr. Vito Campanile, send a fax which stated that because of the work for compliance with fire regulations at SO Spinazzola, with effect from December 27, has temporarily suspended the activities of radiology and ultrasound, the work will last until February 15 about. "Thus, writes Bell, the activity of radiological and ultrasound in routine and emergency will be provided in a hospital or in the hospital Murge Minervino of Canosa. Then he concludes: "From the same date, are temporarily suspended admissions." And it is now brawl. Why suspend admissions? All, without distinction, and why not to move the ultrasound equipment in another room away from where the work will be performed? More of the same fax Campanile soon as they arrive the first phone calls of protest. The same specification that the work had already been programmed, and then: "if any complaints are just mere exploitation." Then it goes in and says: "The era has seen to issue a regulation for reordering Hospital: You want to reassure that the coincidence of the work is not indicative of a premature closure of the SO Spinazzola. No claims sull'assetto welfare of the territory of Spinazzola, who are also policies must be represented in the relevant fora, activities that fall outside of this Health Department. " At the end of the morning coming from the direction of more general statement that is added to that of Mayor Charles
Scelzo when you try to reassure everyone. The summary: It's not that mo must die! "With the suspension, written from the general direction of the activities of Radiology will not be possible hospitalization urgent and acute and long-term care will be provided in the shelters. " Before semi denied for Campanile. Statement continued: "It will also ensure the activity of ultrasound." Another contradiction to Campanile! Valleys to understand that these executives do not talk to each other! "We have prepared a notice will be posted to the city to notify the start of work to third-Spinazzola - says
Rocco Canosa, Special Commissioner Asl Bt - the same jobs in the next few months adjusting to the electrical and fire will cover dialysis , the laboratory analysis, the point of first responders, the cup (single center of booking), pharmacy and administrative offices. " "Our commitment to the hospital in Spinazzola - continues Canosa - is confirmed. As I have repeatedly said, the hospital will not be closed. " But what will happen without sleeping? Rocco Canosa does not say. Meanwhile there is to be finished to spend a million €, and then we'll see. For the moment, the city hopes that the good news, "best wishes for a Merry Christmas uncomfortable." THE LETTER OF STUDENTS ITIS SPINAZZOLA "Dear Governor, We are students of Class V Industrial Technical Institute" Enrico Fermi "Spinazzola, based aggregate Barletta, We are writing on the closure of the hospital "S. Maria La Civita "of our country, to ask her to reconsider the recent decisions in this regard. Do not make our dreams fade away at dawn on a Sunday in December, a prelude to the magical Christmas season, which sees all the most kind and generous, has faded. In October, we students have left the classroom to walk the streets with banners and slogans Spinazzola in defense of our "Hospital". We attended the meetings made by citizens to the Director-General, and Dr. Rocco Canosa to the Regional Dr. Thomas Flowers. We want to renew now, with this letter, our heartfelt appeal not only to his brilliant intelligence, but the Do not close your heart to the Hospital of Spinazzola, the hospital has opened the doors at night, by day with the cold, the heat to save many lives as he has saved and how much they could save more, if only those ports not close. How many doctors and nurses have helped and comforted the sick who have turned to their faith and hope. We are still here, we Boys ITIS, we who seem insensitive to the problems facing our society, we who. able future, a future in the most prominent of humanity, we want to go to her who has modeled his life on the teaching of Don Tonino Bello and we ask in chorus in a loud voice but tone heartfelt: "Do not destroy or annihilate the last resort, the last lifeline of a country in need of life, needs of his hospital. The Hospital is, in fact, that beacon that will help the country not to succumb. We look confident, do not disappoint us, I ask on behalf of all patients who do not have the strength to scream out their pain. Without the hospital's salvation becomes an unattainable mirage. "
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Papular Urticaria Baby
"Mystery" buried in Grottelline you dig to search for container
of Cosimo Forina Soon they will know the truth about alleged container buried in the quarries "Grottelline" which should, according to testimony gathered by the Gazette in the presence of several persons, hazardous waste, particularly medical waste. The prosecutor Michael Ruggiero of the Attorney Trani has entrusted after the seizure of the November 12 that the search is proceeding rapidly, with heavy earth-moving vehicles to a specialist firm assisted by technicians and police officers of the Core Operating Ecological Bari, despite the snow and temperatures prohibitive. The site of "Grottelline 'of archaeological interest, landscape, where it was discovered by the University of Pisa, a Neolithic village, full of cavities including a cave church with a Greek cross with five apses, was destined to become landfill to enslave the Basin Ba / 4, 200 thousand inhabitants. The same magistrate on August 23, 2009 had ordered a precautionary seizure of the first hollow because of irregularities on the particles falling in the draft dell'immondezzaio,
available after the documentation provided by the Region of Puglia, the release from seizure. In the "Grottelline" were provided for a landfill relief of about 1 million cubic meters, the construction of a bio-stabilization, and thereafter and during the first seizure, A plant for the treatment of the wet and the dry storage. The construction and operation of the facility and equipment for twenty years has been entrusted by the President of the Region of Puglia, Nichi Vendola , Ata-Tradeco Cogeam. The first company of the owner of the waste in Puglia, Charles Dante
Columella, the second part is the majority shareholder of the family of the president of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia . This is the story of the witness who gave birth in search of waste that were hidden in "Grottelline": "Under this construction have been buried containers containing hazardous waste." In the application addressed to the person who made the story of why they have not talked before this episode that would have occurred inside the cave, the answer was pithy: "These are people who kill." To another question: Why speak now? Answer: "That stuff in the basement, poisons, drugs, can kill people. They are to have cancer. Now get busy. " And the group at this shocking tale of many notices before the news irrompesse in the record, the District Anti-Mafia Prosecutor of the Prosecutor of Bari and Trani. Later on the orders of the investigating bodies and verbal identity of the witness were, for obvious security reasons, Secret. The prosecutor Michele Ruggiero has entered in the register Albanian suspects
Antonio , Arti Gogeam representative, Charles Dante Columella
majority shareholder and former managing director of Tradeco Tradeco 1984 to 1998. Vincenzo Fiore Tradeco legal representative and administrator from 2001 to 2006. The magistrate had ordered the act of seizing the technical assessments, including geo-diagnostic, in order to identify the exact location, type and quantity of waste, and eventually spilled into the hidden cave. The use of excavators in the quarries of "Grottelline" suggests that the geo-diagnostic survey which also includes the action of the drill may have been already done and now you're going to the bottom of this issue, which if confirmed will not fail to result in an uproar.
Gotta Go Buffalo.. Goodbye Sayings With Animals
of Cosimo Forina
Today, Friday 17, the program "Life Direct Rai 1, from 16, as guests of the small Telethon praying Barrasso Spinazzola accompanied by his family. Orlando suffered from "Leber congenital amaurosis," a serious disease that affects the retina early in life and leads progressive loss of vision, has already been testimonial last year's Telethon, embraced at the start of the telethon also by the President of the Chamber on. Gianfranco Fini . He is one of the twelve patients in the world, the smallest, which was applied to the largest dose, five Italians, on which the gene therapy experiments improve vision.
"The first action - tell Dad Joseph
, psychiatrist, and mother- Adriana Telethon made through research has been carried out in the right eye in June 2009. In the future it is expected that the the left eye next year also will suffer the same type of assistance thus completing this phase of the experimental study of the development of gene therapy. Participation in the transmission is designed to raise public awareness to support research, provide hope, communicate that with the help of all genetic diseases are tackled and defeated. " The trial involves the International Amaurosis Leber's Children's Hospital of Philadelphia where Orlando has undergone the first surgery Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (Tigem) of Naples and, also in capital of Campania, the Department of Ophthalmology at the Second University of studies (Sun). In Naples, Orlando, has found its first angels of light in the researchers Tigem: Alberto Auricchio, Enrico Maria Surace
and Sandro Banfi
, which two years are evaluating the safety and efficacy of gene therapy. molecular strategy In the same city was put in place a real "molecular approach" to correct the defect in the genes that cause eye diseases such as RPE65, one of the leaders of dell'amaurosi Leber. The clinical team is led by the Department of Ophthalmology Francesca Simonelli, Francesco Testa part and Septimus Smith dealing to identify patients on which to experiment. Last year was the 2 June 2009, to tell via e-mail to the Gazette almost live from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, among the five best hospitals in the United States, the record of intervention Father Joseph, "Orlando was made. The operation was coordinated by Dr. Kathy Marshall
that followed step by step throughout the development of controls, accompanied by researcher Dr. Jean Bennett
, wife of dr. Maguire who has literally performed the operation that consisted of an injection in the right eye of an attenuated virus as vectors (A kind of taxi) that correct the genetic code should replace the corrupted. Healthy copies of the gene were injected into the diseased retina, where photoreceptors enter the cells, which transform visual stimuli into nerve impulses, restoring the function of the eye. " After returning from the United States, Orlando, like other patients who underwent surgery, was subjected to a close and continuous monitoring. POSITIVE RESULTS And here is the first positive news, it is understood by the journal The Lancet, where the trial was published: "How, after examination on a regular basis following the intervention, none of the patients reported so far toxic effects significant, confirming how the procedure is safe. At the same time, visual function tests clearly indicate that in all there was a partial recovery of vision, especially in younger patients. " "This - Francesca Simon says - is the most important result: the more the gene therapy is initiated early, the higher the probability that the retina of patients is not completely compromised and react positively to treatment." Thanks to the experimentation of Orlando were created new hopes, always by 'The Lancet': an important indication for the future, as pointed out by Alberto Auricchio, "we're going to try to test the effectiveness gene therapy not only for other forms of amaurosis, but also for other genetic eye diseases such as Stargardt's disease, for which the Tigem has already obtained orphan drug designation by the Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency. The eye is certainly an ideal organ for this type of therapy, because it is small, limited and "immunoprivilegiato", which makes possible the administration of low doses of medication and reduces the risk of rejection by the immune system. " Now we have to enjoy the smile of Orlando.
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Incredible Holiday Light Show Where Can I Buy
The revelations Mr. Beppe Pisanu, endorsed by Nichi Vendola confirm the presence of a disturbing new business. The wind and photovoltaic mafia infiltration THERE
After years of complaints, now the official confirmation of COSIMO FORINO Spinazzola.
Without wishing to minimize the "revelations" Mr.
Beppe Pisanu, chairman of the mafia, which revealed that there is infiltration of mafia in Puglia in the "Green Economy", what wonder is that politics, by the center to center, starting from the President
Nichi Vendola
, seems to have noticed only now.
COMPLAINTS TO RECOVERY Like other prosecutors in investigations undertaken, parliamentary questions, arrests and rivers of ink in the papers they had never existed. From these columns in the aftermath of the arrests in Mazara del Vallo, Operation Aeolus, "we wrote intertwining political, business and mafia that involved Puglia, Murgia particularly Minervino and Spinazzola. Output not unrealistic, but supported by the fact that among those arrested in Sicily, there were well established business on the Murgia and not just administrators, dozens of companies 'purpose'. That liability company Limited (Ltd) with capital of € 10 thousand then able to raise up towers or make photovoltaic systems worth tens and tens of millions of euro. Apparently governed by the industrial "Green Economy", which they have invented a whole new craft in Italy, than the "developers". Specialists in dealing with the owners of the land on which to raise the towers-dismembered landscape and the mirrors and institutions, starting with the municipal up to the regional ones, which allow escorts in iterating facilities. Settlements as "Parks" before or immediately after their completion transferred to other companies, both in Italy and abroad.
BUSINESS DA MILLION Where a wind turbine connected to the network, and then production is no longer sold on the basis of the investment of a single tower, but the price on which a MW ranging from € 2 million early on. One of these entrepreneurs, a former CGIL, known among Spinazzola and Minervino Murge is Louis Franzinelli . Arrested in the "Aeolus" together with the municipal council of Mazara del Vallo,
Vito Martino (Forza Italy), and Giovan Battista Agate
with previous boss's brother Mariano Agate
; to Melchiorre
Saladin, contractor Salemi, considered close to the fugitive boss Matteo Messina Money ; to Sucameli Joseph, architect of the Municipality of Mazara del Vallo, who was previously detained for criminal association. The charge for Franzinelli, as a member of the South Wind Ltd., is that it has filed in Trapani projects to build wind farms, pouring money and giving away cars to politicians and city employees. The preliminary hearing judge in Palermo Daniela Troja sentenced him to two years expedited. His name also appears in the investigation of wind energy in Sardinia which involved national leaders of the PDL and the chairman of that region Cappellacci . Investigation also revealed that the affairs of the P3 with the interests of fixer Flavio Carboni . Luigi Franzinelli, in disregard of the policy of Puglia and its President Vendola, appears in at least two parliamentary questions tabled by Mr. Pierfelice Zazzera and others, and especially in a "Question Time" on wind energy, with reference to the investigation "Ventus" conducted by the Master of Forestry Gravina, interested in the town of Murgia and Minervino Spinazzola and investigation "Aeolus" , Mazara del Vallo. SECRET INVESTIGATIVE minister for relations with parliament Elio Vito replied thus: "Justice Minister Angelino Alfano recently demanded prosecution of Rome, Cagliari, Palermo and Bari elements on the infiltration of organized crime in the procurement of the wind. " "The first three prosecutors - referring Minister Vito - have highlighted the timeliness of investigations in progress and the need to keep the investigation secret." From May 15 the governor of Sardinia Ugo Cappellacci is suspect in the investigation of Rome prosecutors procurement for wind energy in the island. In Rome, in this investigation, are also suspects the coordinator of the PDL
Denis Verdini, builder
Arcangelo Martino, the tax court Pasquale Lombardi, the director dell'Arpas Farris Ignatius, the Provincial Council of Sulcis Pinello Cossu, Commissioner of the Authority within Franco Piga and the businessman Flavio Carboni . And to close with the recent events, just rewind the tape of the last meeting on wind energy held in Lecce Carlo Vulpio and Vittorio Sgarbi, the presence of the Regional Angela Barbanente , sent with a piece also in the transmission "Report" Milena Gabanelli : in those circumstances, it denounced the mafia infiltration in the Green Economy in Puglia, but also not insignificant fact that the prolieferazione of alternative energy systems in Puglia has not led to a decrease of one gram of carbon dioxide emissions in Puglia. And finally, the Treasury Minister Giulio Tremonti about wind energy, said: "The business of business." It seems to give more profits from drug trafficking without social disapproval. It will be that the Mafia is a devil that enters into the social fabric, as you said Vendola. It is also true that not all the Green Economy and polluted. But to want to read with young people of Salento Puglia, we may well say, "Where is ravaging the landscape, there is the mafia."
Friday, December 3, 2010
Somebody's 3rd Birthday
were maimed
I broke a finger of his left hand, the one I use for writing. I'll be until Christmas.
I strive to find positive aspects, and so I wrote a list; sin is too late to go to "Come away with me." Here it is:
Keep your bones intact, but if you experience the bad luck, look on the bright side, it helps a lot to get better. And do not worry, there is almost always a positive side.
"I greet you with your other hand" (Elio e le Storie Tese, "Puppet without figs)
I broke a finger of his left hand, the one I use for writing. I'll be until Christmas.
I strive to find positive aspects, and so I wrote a list; sin is too late to go to "Come away with me." Here it is:
- inexplicably, are no longer stressed out from work: experts say that work-related stress depends strongly on whether to work or not. Thank goodness we are the experts.
- 'm learning to use his right hand, after forty years of the bench, now she is the holder. All this reminds me of the political situation in Italy.
- my travel expenses are drastically reduced.
- I can stay in overalls all day.
- not wrong to even a shot for a goal: yes yes ok dear experts, it is because I'm playing, I know.
- my alarm clock went on vacation: back for Christmas.
- a lot of people is interested in my health: the experts have now been gagged.
- 'm seeing the whole series of "American Dad!" By dint of laughter, keep your abs toned (as far as possible, of course).
- my girlfriend cuddles me even more.
- have a black belt in youtube!
- unable to sign, do not use a credit card, but I pay with debit cards. How? There are also cash? Ah but then you're an expert too!
- I finally time for me to apologize and whirlpool. As soon as I get the urge, this quasi-advantage will be promoted for the benefit
- RANGE: sorry, I went to get me the tub ...
- I see on TV all the interesting programs, namely those that are in the most unexpected times, but then there are so many better things on TV, who do not watch anything.
Keep your bones intact, but if you experience the bad luck, look on the bright side, it helps a lot to get better. And do not worry, there is almost always a positive side.
"I greet you with your other hand" (Elio e le Storie Tese, "Puppet without figs)
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