Monday, March 7, 2011

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In another about-face a number of directors by a majority in favor of the first against and then megadiscarica The deal " Grottelline "be transformed into a landfill site, involving the breast. German
of Cosimo Forina

That there was an investigation by the District Anti-Mafia prosecutor in Bari, pm Desiree Digeronimo on "Grottelline" in addition to the Prosecutor of Trani pm
Michael Ruggiero
that led straight to the owner of the waste Puglia Carlo Dante Columella was well known. The genesis of the attack suffered July 4, 2006 by journalist Alex
Dipalo director of Radio Regio di Altamura. To recount all novice with a particular one of the two assailants of the journalist, Vincenzo Laterza
become associate justice of the other Biagio Genco disappeared for a case of white shotgun. But that "Grottelline" finish to come to light the involvement of former Department of Health, German Alberto now senator of the Democratic Party, which has called for the arrest of the investigation on Health, has caught some way of surprise. A confirmation of the interweaving between policy-bad-world business and the waste has always been denounced by Dipalo and for this, against him was ordered to shoot from Ciciriello Domenico, an affiliate of the boss of Altamura Bartolo Dambrosio killed last September 6. But the two bullies decided to crush that Jiminy Cricket with kicks and punches. Cicirelli said Laterza said: "You do me this favor, because the radio threat Alessio Dipalo Columella and I will do enter Tradeco. "Surely - continues Laterza - someone Tradeco, the father or the son, has told Cicirelli, this thing here, in fact, we had to shoot at Alex Dipalo. Arriving alderman instead, the work of police in Bari in 2008, which make up the intercepts with the pieces of the indissoluble bond that emerged between the political world and the top of Tradeco. Society, say the police of Noe, which was financially supported the campaign to the Senate by Alberto German. Surveys show the "pressure" to bear on regional politics in order to obtain the necessary complement of red tape to open the dump "Grottelline. And all this even before the scandal on Health. A sign giving dump "Grottelline" Ata-Tradeco Gogeam, on a strip of land of archaeological interest, landscape and nature of Spinazzola and Poggiorsini Governor Nichi Vendola . The first company of Charles Dante Columella, the second family of the president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia . Now could find a way to hear those phrases over the years, which reeked of surrender, repeated several times on "Grottelline" to turn into garbage Basin Ba / 4 to be subservient to 200 thousand inhabitants, "is something greater than ourselves, something decided from above, we can not do anything. " A pouring out as "verb" the U-turn after passing the "No" to the landfill to the unconditional "yes", other directors and majority people of the entourage, to keep him company also silence the opposition. With few exceptions that did pay dearly, with the political isolation, non-alignment. Those sentences were the years of the termite who told through the news story of the various "Grottelline. Those thoughts could correspond to the wishes of someone? And who and why? Today there is a name that is added to those already known to Grottelline, unexpectedly, that of Alberto German. The irrefutable confirmation of the involvement of German reveals that the senator, in addition to the family business, the identification of management and directors of local health services, was very dedicated to the interests of Columella. According to telephone intercepts and environment, both for votes from these managed, 50 thousand, that liquidity from these available for the purchase of a flat € 560 thousand German calls for "oxygen" to Columella. In return? The personal commitment to follow the races of interest by Columella as that of hospital waste won by "Vi.Ri" that led to the arrest of Michael Columela son of Charles and Dante's brother Francesco Petronella, today all three suspects on the loose with the Assessor and "Grottelline. Story that never ceases to amaze. THE LINK is a historical link between the German and Carlo Alberto Dante Columella and his family, particularly the latter's brother, Frank Petronella interceptions German Alberto closely with Petronella follows the story in first person, relating to the ecology Councillor Michael Losappio
The Wrath of Petronella (Columella's brother in law), "What are we to beg?"
"Remember alderman here who have not done a damn ' E' a historical link between the German Alberto

and Columella Carlo Dante and his family, particularly the latter's brother Frank Petronella

. Which maintains Columella with
son of Charles Xavier, the police say, relations with the local and regional politics. In 2008, the landfill Spinazzola has passed the first appeals to the TAR, and even more obstacles without the City of Spinazzola who decides not to resort to the State Council as does the City of Poggiorsini, is about to undergo an environmental impact study . German Alberto
closely with Petronella follows the story in first person, relating to the ecology
Councillor Michael Losappio never fail to act on engineers of Civil Engineers responsible for issuing permits for the environmental impact assessment. All this before theft of computer memory in the Puglia region, which contained data Grottelline and the seizure of the evidence provided by the Court of Trani pm Michael Ruggiero. is one of the calls intercepted by the police of Noe . At the March 5, 2008 9:47
Antonio called the Ing. Carmine Carella . The latter warns him that he intended to visit the offices of Civil Engineers to arrange filing of documents concerning the system of Grottelline of Spinazzola. The problem on the issuing of permits by the Offices of Civil Engineers involved in the intervention by the regional health Alberto German which is invested by Francesco Petronella. From the content of the wiretaps showed that the Alderman is fully aware of the dynamics involving Tradeco in general, in this case, that concerning the issue of documentation for the installation of Spinazzola. of March 7, 2008 at 11:20
German Alberto Francis called Petronella, the latter reported to be in the way of Modugno Magnolia, home of the Engineering Corps, to receive a certificate that also would join him in any department. At 11:49, 7 March 2008. Frank Petronella
call the Assessor Alberto German. Responds to telephone the secretary thereof, the Dolores, who was invited by Petronella alderman to report that he still found a hitch in the issuance of a certificate by the Offices of Civil Engineers. Petronella warns the woman who was the commissioner in the office with the engineer of Civil Engineers, interested in the practice, and that the commissioner was aware of the whole problem. THE CALL BETWEEN FRANCIS AND THE DOLORES Petronella.
Dolores: tell me what happened?
Petronella: where is he?
Dolores: now is busy, do not you go I just can
Petronella: Dolores feel, you make me a courtesy
Dolores: tell
Petronella: tell. Franco he knows that I have been a way of Magnolias
Dolores: Yes
Petronella: for a certificate ... .. tell him "want to remember ... alderman who is now talking with the engineer right now that ... have not done a damn about anything yet, I have postponed yet again
Dolores: and you're still there?
Petronella: no, I left because I said "Come Monday." What we should be asking alms to these ... now I broke your balls.
Dolores: he knows what is this ..
Petronella: know the whole situation ... you have to say, as is the commissioner and the flavors as it is now ... tell him you want to do with the engineer for pleasure to that place?
Dolores: but who is the ecology?
Petronella: yes, yes, yes, Losappio however, he knows the whole story
Dolores: okay, now I tell
Petronella: Hello Dolores.
At the March 7, 2008 18:29 Columella Carlo Dante called his brother in law Frank Petronella, urging a meeting with the Assessor Alberto German.

Columella: feel. Alberto (ed. AlbertoTedesco) where we can talk?
Petronella: now he went incomprehensible .. tomorrow, after tomorrow, when we want, on Monday
Columella: yes, tomorrow, after tomorrow, Monday, u 'deck that hold the mica ... tomorrow we can find tomorrow
Petronella: tomorrow, I have to call tomorrow morning at nine
Columella: eh
Petronella: because I spoke this morning
Columella: ah? ... No, okay, now it is another fact
Petronella: no, I spoke this morning and he said to me that we should hear at least twice a day ... .. ride
Columella: twice a day you want to hear
Petronella: at least twice a day
Columella: okay, hello. At
ore17: 04 of 11 March 2008 Francesco Alberto German called Petronella. The conversation focuses on the problems encountered with reasonable certainty from Tradeco in obtaining the necessary permits for the planting of "Grottelline" Spinazzola, given the deliberately cryptic wording used by the two parties. Petronella alderman asked to remember to resolve that situation (Alberto ... remember that fact), the latter assured him on the success of the event (I've already mentioned ... you need a little 'patience ..).
______________ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... __________________ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..______________ SPINAZZOLA INVESTIGATIONS AT THE HEART OF A SERIES OF SERIOUS BREACHES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF URBAN HEALTH SERVICES
waste, via the process. Defendants include former Councillor for the Environment and former commander of the municipal police. Thus ended the separate waste in the compactor of
Antonello Norscia TRANI. He began this morning before the preliminary hearing judge of the Court of Trani, Maria Grazia Caserta, the preliminary hearing which culminated in the investigation of the implementation of the contract "of public service and public need for solid waste management" of Spinazzola. 17 persons, where, for various reasons, the deputy public prosecutor Michele Ruggiero asks for trial. Among them, the former commissioner of the town environment Murgia Sebastian De Sario former commander of the municipal police Cataldo Cusanno. The investigation turned the spotlight on services of "broken, pest control, rodent control, collection and transport and landfilling of municipal waste and recycling. " At the center of the investigation the activity of "Cooperative Future" Gioia del Colle, awarded the contract from 2000 to 28 February 2005 for over a half million euro. For the prosecution were not fulfilled their contractual obligations, thereby "missing in whole or in part works and things necessary to meet the public service." There were deficiencies in the cleaning and washing of streets in the municipal waste collection, in the washing of bins for separate collection of bells, and in the same collection, grass cutting, pest control in rodent control, cleaning of drains. In addition, from 2002 to 2005, several different types of waste were not collected, but rather disposed of as municipal solid waste. Facts that led to "a serious disturbance of public service" with "fraud in the execution of the contract through false claims in so-called green bubbles on the landfilling of municipal waste." Also alleged violations regarding disposal of waste. Often those solid waste and special would be abandoned and deposited in an uncontrolled way and then would have been disposed of illegally, giving them, on several occasions to fire in the storage area. Facts that are suspects as well as some workers Spinazzola Cooperative Future, also accused of favoring personal interrogated by the Nucleo Operativo Ecologico Carabinieri have made false statements or were reticent about the poor service. The local police commander and former commissioner would have failed the checks "in fact contributing to cause the repeated abandonment and uncontrolled storage of municipal and special waste." Its wide-ranging investigation also includes the attack suffered by June 9, 2004 Spinazzola correspondent of "La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno" Cosimo Forina. Whether it is called to answer the 73enne Vigilante Silvestri. As rebuilt, with his car cut Forina the way and before the apostrophe heavily and then slapped and punched and pressed her hands to her throat. Today's hearing room for the preliminary issues and to requests for summary proceedings. Space for the possible filing of civil purposes: the injured parties also include the City of Spinazzola.
TODAY appear before the judge for the preliminary hearing, MARIA GRAZIA CASERTA
's names and roles of the seventeen defendants
These names and roles of the 17 defendants who are called this morning to appear before the preliminary hearing judge Maria Grazia Caserta: former city council member to ' environment Spinazzola Sebastian Harris, a former commander of the municipal police Cusanno Cataldo, the legal representative of the Cooperative "Future" of Gioia del Colle, Francesco Paolo Pugliese, the project managers of the company to Gioiese Spinazzola, Santeramo Luigi and Francesco Perna, 11 workers of the cooperative, Michele Carbotta, Francesco D'Aloia, Michele Di Bari, Theodore Di Noia, Nicholas Romano, Cosimo Fedele, Pasquale Di Gennaro, Rocco Galantucci, Savino Romano, Pasquale Saponara, Antonio Cardillo, and Vigilante Silvestri, Spinazzola, accused of the attack to the journalist of "La Gazzetta" Cosimo Forina. In various ways and according to the alleged responsibility pm Michael Ruggiero challenged offenses interruption of public service, breach of contract and fraud in public supplies, fraud, aiding, insults, threats, personal injury and breach of the rules on waste disposal. [A. nor.]


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