Saturday, February 26, 2011

Paregoric Company Name

The investigation by the District Directorate mafia is a journalist at the game after the attacks of Palo scored by the clan at the time of the conference on Dambrosio landfill Spinazzola

of Cosimo Forina
Health Survey Puglia: Involved senator Pd Alberto German
which it is sought the arrest, his right arm
Mario Malcangi arrested. Paul ended up under house arrest Albanian
, Diego Romano
Rana (entrepreneur), John Romano
Garofoli (contractor), Guido Scoditti (CEO ASL Lecce). Dumbfounded: Alessandro Galasso and Antonio Acquaviva . Walk Free: Paolo Emilio Balestrazzi , Joseph Borracino , Rocco Canosa (CEO Asl Bat), Antonio Colella (official ASL Bari), Columella Charles Dante (the contractor), Columella Michael (contractor), Rita Dell ' Anna (official ASL Lecce), Nicola Del Re (official ASL Bari), Peter De Felice (ASL Bat Administrative Director), Dominic Marzocco (the contractor), Francesco Petronella (contractor), Vitantonio Roca (contractor), Elio Rubino (contractor), Francesco Sanapo (ASL Lecce manager) Thomas Stallone Antonio, Philip Tragni (official ASL Bari), Antonio Decaro (former alderman and Democratic Party leader in the region). Cyclone sudden? "No," only confirms the headlines in recent years now recounted in court documents, both by ordinary prosecutors from the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Bari has also materialized so that red thread that connected, by fear and at times perhaps killed, Spinazzola and Altamura telling interweaving of politics - business-waste, which resulted in the investigation of health care. A kick off was the aggressive, arrogant challenge of crime, to the detriment of the journalist Alessio Palo , director of Radio Regio di Altamura. Occurred a few days after his participation at the conference June 29, 2006 against the landfill in the area to be set up in Spinazzola "Grottelline, granted April 28, 2006 by Nichi Vendola Tradeco-Ata Cogeam. The first company of the owner of the waste in Puglia, Charles Dante Columella suspect in the investigation as the child health Michele and her brother Frank Petronella (the latter two contracts for the disposal of clinical waste - companies Vi.Ri .) and the second, due to the family of the president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia , which sees as President Board and Air Cogeam Antonio Albanian . The investigation of health is an earthquake in Apulia Puglia Nichi Vendola and investigators indicate a German leader Alberto, the former regional minister of health with medical supply companies linked to his family. A vortex, as we learn from eavesdropping: business, vows, contracts and supplies that disconcerting. The story, that of ill health, starts from the "lesson" to the journalist "guilty" to terminate its issuer, the brothels in his city and the plots between the world of waste and politics. To detect the investigating judge De Beneditcs he welcomed the work of pm Desiree Digeronimo , Francis Breton and Oak Marcello, in his injunction, which begins with the genesis of the system used by the Department of Health Puglia. To recount all the investigators, one of two attackers Alessio Di Palo: Vincenzo Laterza, now associate justice, next to the boss Bartolo Dambrosio killed in full Murgia, after his companion in the attack to the journalist, Biagio Genco said Gino, disappeared from Altamura likely the subject of white shotgun by the same organization Dambrosio. If the investigators were able to put together the partnership business of politics and entrepreneurs is due to these revelations and investigations meticulous games after broken ribs at Di Palo. Of course all until final ruling should be considered innocent, but that does not stop to consider what the investigators were able to put together. And the applications of these new year break with shadows. "The employee Laterza reported links between criminal activities and other activities of his boss, apparently totally unrelated, of some businessmen of that city, including Charles Columella. "Grottelline," then, was indeed chosen as improcrastinabile support the region? The two sides of the closure of hospitals and health surveys Deeper in the acts which led to several criminal liability, including wiretaps, reconstructions and statements posed by the magistrates there really be surprised, but not too much. AFFAIRS AND CONTRACTS While reading dell'allegria domain management policy on procurement, the arrogance with which it has come to take possession of the "business" you can not help but think of what these days is happening on the territory of the Province of Barletta, Andria, Trani, because of the cancellation of some hospitals such as Spinazzola and Murge Minervino Where the need for the return of "spending" has put in question the right to health and care at the place closest, hitting inexorably weaker band as that of the elderly or where it does not matter if an ambulance to reach the nearest hospital must spend 50 minutes of sirens wailing.
come to mind the declaration of Nichi Vendola bicameral parliamentary hearing of the Commission of Inquiry on illegal activities related to the cycle of waste expressed in early February: "The Mafia is no longer a territorial problem and the cycle waste along with the power systems in health care are the main places of drainage capacity of public and private resources. It 's a carousel of money and gigantic proportions therefore always be present, the interest of criminal organizations in this area. "
Yeah. It is the most explicit is contained in the many contracts that have created a river of money to the few. Keeping, according to the indictment, with abuse of office, under the extension services that cost hundreds of thousands of euro to promote the councilor German friends, his entourage from which to draw votes. Vows, contracts and power: a powerful triad.
The port health control votes. The votes bring the control of health care. It is one of the aspects highlighted in the investigation
When the manager is not considered 'reliable': the case of Eng. Angiulli
Vito, chief technology area of \u200b\u200bthe Sixth ASL Province
"We have prospects at Bat" Thus Spake

Mario Malcangi, right arm councilor Alberto German The port health control votes. The votes bring the control of health care. It is an aspect of the investigation that is considered in a part of the order of custody signed by the investigating magistrate Giuseppe De Benedictis pm at the request of Bari, Desire Digeronimo, Marcello and Francesco Quercia Breton. A short circuit, which also covers sixth province. Mario Malcangi, 52, of Corato, reached by an order of remand in custody at the time of the alleged offenses was the head of the political secretariat of Alberto German (now a senator, the arrest is pending approval of the Palazzo Madama). Malcangi meets in his office Ing. Angiulli Vito, chief technology area of \u200b\u200bthe Sixth ASL Province, considered "unreliable" and thus held for months in a water bath (it was assumed fixed-term) and "stabilized" after being promised a change of scenery. Malcangi entrepreneur says Rana
Diego Romano (at home), 52, of Bisceglie, "Listen, and now as I am Vito Angiulli waiting, you have things hanging? ". "Rana - write the judges - suggests to urge him to define his issues. On this occasion, referring to the meeting had the previous September 24, in Bisceglie, Asl Bat with the Administrative Director, Peter De Felice
, informs him that he was going to replace it with another of his confidence in what he had learned that the manager was linked to the current policy Pina Marno. Rana
"All those things, ah, there is a fact, when I have spoken with in Bisceglie thing, with the administrative and told me that this (Angiulli Vito, ed) here has been recommended by Marble (Then Regional Councillor PD, ed), and now let me understand, it is yours or what? I said, it is of marble and the marble has to do what the fuck? Then he said: - Oh well, if I is not doing the act of faith, of course I will choose other people. " Rana suggests Malcangi to ask the local health officer "if he was still his intention to plead their interests or those linked to the current Marble." Rana
"So, when you need him to say sorry, but you've given here? And say: you are given here or there? If you are delivered there, go there! ... To understand! And you say this is going to plead your cause and I, that would be you, I stopped saying a moment, beautiful, beautiful, we must first understand how things are, then go and explain what is the role of myself and what would be the case. OR IS HE ALSO ALIGN OR CHOOSE ANOTHER PERSON IN SHORT! '. observe the judges' Malcangi reassured his interlocutor, Rana, on the outcome of the meeting that will have with the engineer. Angiulli, saying that he is obliged to comply with their requests, as it is one of those who are interested in stabilization. " Again. "The conversation that follows - is emphasized in the order - proves, beyond doubt, that the appointment of healthcare management are designed to promote lottizzatorio a system of patronage and contracts, in the acquisition of various utilities, as well as electoral support, in breach of the duty of impartiality, transparency and sound public administration with a consequent diversion from a proper public purpose institutions. In fact, the manager, after reporting that new physicians and administrative belong to their current policy on behalf of the councilor, asked not to obstruct the issue for the Siemens computer. Malcangi: "Do you remember those few things that I told you, it's Siemens, information technology, it seems that there are problems, what are you doing problems that ... We clear?
Angiulli, manager Asl: "Zero, but ... I always keep them in good ... I've healed. " During the conversation, Malcangi asked about news of the allegations that the damage near Marble Pina.
Malcangi: "But Pina Marble sponsoring you to Andria for something?". The manager replied that ASL is linked to the Regional Councillor for in the past have been part of the same party, namely, Margaret, and the fact that both live in Andria and anyway he is always put at the disposal of their will. The manager

: "I'm always available." "Malcangi - states in the order - this About the commissioner says that Alberto German intends to pursue, through a patronage system tended to favor certain contractors in the sixth province, a political project aimed at appointing the President of the Province of his faction. "
Malcangi: "We have to Bat perspective, because if there are some conditions ... if there are some conditions, probably the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, could be part German, period. Obviously, the local health becomes a hub for the next five months ...».
that went under that contract extension So the interrogation made by Ing. Vito Angiulli (Person informed of the facts) to the Di Geronimo pm on the storage service, management and custody of the local health administration and health. Company placed under the magnifying glass: the entrepreneur Dominic Prodea Marzocco.
Pm Digeronimo : at that time what were the contracts or tenders to which they were interested in participating in these subjects, you remember?
Manager Asl: Then, with regard to ...
Pm: if you know ... Director:
guess, some of them I guess. First, as I said, that of Prodea, because management is now long since expired, among other things, there was no ownership by Prodea across the local health peer manage the storage of documents.
Pm: But only the ASL BA / 2?
Director: Only the ASL BA / 2

Pm: but was extended to all ASL at some point?
Director: At one point there was a tendency that they wanted to do it, and then gradually have always drawn a little 'back. What is unique is that the chapters have been frequently wrong in substance, that is easily attacked, so that then-
Pm: Before you spoke of notices of incorrect specifications, said it had been changed the specifications that are were repeatedly wrong.
Director: No. Yes I know this for information within the ASL. The ASL is a place where you see things, no?
Pm: A which referred
Director: At the optical storage of documents to Prodea, that there were always a number of errors, however ....
Pm: What was the situation of Prodea in respect of that business?
Director: Which activities?
Pm: had a contract? He went under the extension?
Director: In the scheme of extension it is.
card so North Bari So the investigation
the North strand of the scandal Bari Puglia on Health. Malcangi
Mario, 52 years of Corato, boss, at the time, the political secretariat of Alberto German, is in custody in prison. For the home entrepreneurs Bisceglie
Diego Romano Rana, 52, and Giovanni Leonardo
of 66. Among the suspects on the loose,
Joseph, 63, a local health official of Barletta, Domenico Marzocca, 61, Vitantonio Roca, 63, of Bisceglie's Dante Carlo Altamura Columella, of 67, Michele Columella , 44; Francesco Petronella 54 anni,il direttore generale e il direttore amministrativo della Asl Bat, Rocco Canosa , 61 anni (per cui era stato chiesto l’arresto) e Felice De Pietro , 61.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Much Does Cost Get Your License Renewed

visit the Big Bang Show. Aqui estoy

The Big Bang Show today held its last show.
'm upset and I try to explain why-we-there.
The Big Bang Show, every Tuesday at the Big Bang Bar c / Botella 7, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bvery close to Notariat, at least two years offers monologues, sketches, number of artists and comic actor. Since January of last year I was accepted as a true spectator. Every Tuesday. With friends, with people I love, people with past and then go their own way, with roommates, with those who, in short, they are my family in Spain.
know the players (for the face, by name, style, characters, numbers), I know the warmth of the room, the column, the St. Moritz, the gathering before the gorra, I sit on the floor .
Emotion and poetry.
The color of the Big Bang show does not end today, I'll keep it in my heart and in the images running through my head.
thanks for all you gave me Tuesday.
Thanks to all you artists.
With laughter and light to deep laughter you have given me comes from within. Thank you for
marked and accompanied my life in Barcelona.
Hasta pronto, hasta or Lueger.
Indeed, hasta siempre.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

12 Weeks Pregmnant And Urinating

SPINAZZOLA: LA CITTÀ SI PREPARA AL RINNOVO DEL CONSIGLIO COMUNALE Fermento nelle coalizioni per individuare i candidati-sindaci Cominciate le varie consultazioni per il rinnovo del Consiglio Comunale, data non certa, ma sembra entro la metà di maggio. Tra riunioni permanenti di partito and those of the Carbonari, or inspiration of the Risorgimento, the night the city seems more empty than usual. And perhaps it is because while sharpening their weapons to seize political management of the city, many other young people have left the country and with their entire families. Before "Toto" candidate for mayor, too early for names, there is that the amount of listings will come on the field. Some speak of two, three, four and even five people lists. Aspiring councilors, mayors and councilors do not seem to be missing. Great job to who will have to show off their profile. Although true in this campaign, unlike any other, beyond the sides and groupings, will stand out for content. And the reason is as simple as clear: on the one hand there may be those that link environmental protection and enhancement of the special features of the city, as well as for their conservation, the other to its use for the fallout of psudo economy ends to swell, especially with the onslaught of renewables, the pockets of the few. The horde for renewables, oil escaped the danger, wind mirrors and poles, along with the trash issue, landfill "is" - "no" are the real test. A plus to have to work to avoid further isolation of the city. Please read question hospital, which in addition to snatch the right to health care and, in fact, island, with the closure of the hospital further from the city area. Test of respect for citizens is given by the outgoing, both majority and opposition, because of the referendum: whether to leave or not come in Puglia and Basilicata. Well 746 people have turned the Constitution and as someone already pawing against the initiative, the City Council must also decide to avoid use of the Prefect. So, again close to the election campaign for the renewal of the executive and sat up, you will need to know by all political forces and, if the referendum must continue its course, complex, but feasible, or stop by the will of a few because of their temporary role of administrators. Good bet. It is likely to face and fight for the support. What will come out of the handlers of the combination and what future program for the city. It is to be expected, but every indiscretion will not fail to make headlines.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Much Are Braces Just For The Top

not update for a while but really, do not do it out of laziness!
I was involved in an adventure color: bcn girls, the gap left by their voices, an evening of jazz that made me question everything.
The doubts and questions have the power to scuttle it so much then you can only go up.
whip makes you feel how important the words of one who loves you.
And what you're actually doing to be the person of your dreams.
be prior to.

In this research, I found some clues.
tomorrow than today, next week more than a month ago.
Yesterday we went to the cloister to paint the house, and now the house is full of two paintings, a guitar, three artists, positivity.
Shaping the despedida takes shape, the desire to thank the city that made me grow up (and what really happened to me of everything: love, the end of a love, new people, infatuations, doubts, diabetes, heat a million families, a book, an exhibition, the sea, poetry, theft, work, dance until 7 am, and so much more).

I'm going to sing on the couch and smile to the scent of coconut.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can Chlamydia Be Treated With Norfloxacin

HEALTH PLAN DENIED Submitted by the City Attorney in a case to understand whether or not there has been no interruption of public service hospital, a city on the run from the Puglia region meets 'Group action "with the President of the Basilicata
Cosimo Forina After the use of the Regional Administrative Court against the decision of the regional council that December 15, 2010 approved the Regulation of the hospital network of the Region which concludes, among others, including the hospital in Spinazzola, filed a copious file to the prosecutor of Trani. The City wishes to understand if the exposed part of the ASL Bt or not there has been no interruption of public service, after repeated decisions with several provisions that led to the suspension of admissions and performance for work allegedly never started, specifically in environment as the two measures radiologia.I to protect the city not to be denied the right to health, challenge both the acts of the region as those of local health and Bt were applied in the municipal council on February 2 by the "Action Group pro hospital." Promoter among other initiatives of the request for a referendum aimed at divorce from Puglia Spinazzola for annexation in Basilicata. Just do not lose more time for the "Action Group" after filing under the Statute, the draft resolution to be accompanied by 742 signatures of electors certified by the mayor
Scelzo Carlo, the first signatory of the referendum, asked the mayor to hold the City Council for monothematic activate all the procedure laid down in the Constitution t.132 governed by the law 352/70. Meanwhile, the "Action Group" was active in getting an appointment with the President of Regione Basilicata, Vito De Filippo

to expose the relevance of the city of Spinazzola with Lucania, whose time was already an integral part. "The referendum, saying the" Action Group "is not a joke or a provocation, we want to bring people to the consideration of this question:
" You want to be separated from the territory of Puglia Spinazzola to become an integral part of the Region Basilicata ?
and look forward to the referendum campaign, some to obtain 50% plus one of the "Yes" Citizens of Spinazzola. Meanwhile on the opposite ex hospital, more or less nothing new, except that, as they do know a few patients, "you can not book within the local health examination of mammography." One of the machines for this important investigation in the fight against cancer is just a Spinazzola with unplugged, in the radiology where the work was expected to begin Dec. 27 and end Feb. 15. Another significant aspect is what is going to run tests or hospital stays. It's already quite a few spinazzolesi prefer to go for their needs to the nearby Basilicata, hospital Venosa, a city that is only 23 km from Spinazzola, rather than discomfort, often with luck reach for the few resources available to the public, the hospitals of Canosa, Andria and Barletta. A Venom hospitality and professionalism prevail over the controversy.
Nichi Vendola seems less and less of the other party spinazzolesi, a governor who prefers not to deal with citizens. Who now seem more determined than ever to slam the door in his face without giving appeal ..
card The closing stages of NUMBERS 1994: the beds are 74; 2002: rises to 84; 2003: with the Plan
Raffaele Fitto down to 47;
2010: the dark of the health plan of reorganization
Nichi Vendola
them to zero.
DATES December 23, 2010

the Medical Director of the OP-Minervino Canosa-Spinazzola
Dr. Vito Campanile announced the temporary suspension of performance of Radiology and Ultrasound "Because of the work for compliance with fire regulations." We maintain long-term care admissions and are blocked only those urgent and acute.
December 30, 2010
The medical director Francis Argumentative suspend all admissions. The abolition of wards and long-term care with a break in admissions to 31 December, postponed January 10, 2011, and resignation of patients by 15 February 2011.

January 2010 amendments are introduced in the Region III Health Commission to save the hospital and Spinazzola Minervino Councillor
Ruggiero Mennea the Democratic Party, endorsed by City Council Spinazzola, Conference of Mayors of the Province of Barletta-Andria-Trani , Health Commission of the Province, Provincial Council Barletta-Andria-Trani
February 4, 2011 The Third Committee approves the repayment plan

February 7, 2011 The Regional Council approves the repayment plan. February 17, 2011
I have never work in radiology began, the hospital is effectively closed, the City of Spinazzola has filed an appeal to the TAR and a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office
TODAY A MEETING SCHEDULED PUBLIC TO 18 IN THE FORMER HIGH SCHOOL GYM And Minervino protest in front of the building of regional

Rosalba Matarrese Minervino Awakens the community to avert the closure of the hospital. After months of mobilization, activities, events in neighboring Spinazzola, Minervino also becomes aware of the situation of the hospital after the approval of the reorganization plan health Puglia. It is mobilizing mainly the "Committee for the Protection of the hospital "that promises sensational initiatives, including the streets in front of the Palace of the Region to demonstrate against the junta Vendola. Meanwhile
Giuseppe Renna
and Antonio Gallucci
- on behalf of the committee - have put pen to paper and sent an open letter to all associations and all civil society representatives. The note was also sent to the Prefectural Commissioner Nicholas Covelli

, the provincial councilors
Superb Michelangelo and Louis Roccotelli
and secretaries of all political parties and movements. The note invited politicians and political parties to participate in a debate scheduled for today Murgia in the center (to 18 at the former high school gym). In short, a public meeting to discuss the thorny issue of "health" and to plan the next steps against the closure. "The latest events on the fate of our hospital - and write Gallucci Renna - a result of the repayment plan and the restructuring of the region, are giving the final blow to our country. The thing we most bitter and the finding of feeling alone in our efforts to save the right to health and health services essential for everyone and especially the weakest. Us why we urge those who have represented Institutionally until December (the administration center-right led by former Mayor Ed Roccotelli) associations of various kinds, those that assist citizens in defending their rights, have not tried anything conclusive, given the situation that we face and the blockage of admissions? We know that neither the constitutional position, or associations to push the responsibility, but the awareness of civil and commits us to defend the rights of all citizens Minervino. To invite representatives of this party, and political associations to be at our next public meeting scheduled for today. "

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Long Can Trichomoniasis Live In You

strange and paradoxical EACH
The story ends before the court on February 16 of Cosimo Forina
"Who dies and who lives is lying to peace", this old proverb did not find until now never understood, except in Spinazzola and for both parties. The first: the deceased, was held for six days, locked up in his coffin in the mortuary of the cemetery. Second, a child stricken with grief, was denied the chance to bury, albeit temporarily, the joint next to his other parent in a chapel in the local cemetery, because private. For this controversy, was set a hearing before the Court of Trani branch of Canosa di Puglia February 16, 2011. In the letters existed between the firm and the offices of the municipality, the tone of "gobbledygook" clash against a logic that rejects the imposition that seems to want to say, "if Spinazzola not buy your place in the building of the City, your joint remains to the morgue. " Here's the story. Two days after the death to the funeral took place on family lawyer send a fax to the mayor, the head of the engineering Spinazzola and the commander of the traffic police, and ordered the burial in a tomb made available "to pious Christian charity and for emotional reasons "by another family. Technical office, replied that the burial can not take place because "the use of the niche in this artifact does not appear to be returning to the availability of The artifact private. The Board may authorize the burial niche only after obtaining the municipal, or only after obtaining permission burial pit in the field of burial, in cases of proven hardship of the applicant. " Basically you have to buy your place, pay 2.300euro, otherwise you end up underground. And while the body remains in the morgue, always locked, open the interpretations of the blessed art.93 of the DPR 295/90, true that in granting an extension to the owners of niches to allow others to use if you have special ties between the parties. And this is the case. Among other things, confirmed and signed to the municipal offices, not one but two letters of the owner of the "artifact" (as he is called by the city), even in describing the reasons for this relationship. It is true that the husband of the deceased is in that chapel since 1984. But not enough. The desire to reunite the two parents but also because it fades if you want, the City does not currently have a new adjacent loculi much less of a cemetery area where to build a private chapel, but also because as we read, are denied the possibility of burial in the tomb made available by others. The nights that accompany mourning for this child become, not only awake, but dramatically filled with anguish: "My mother is in that room (the morgue ed) locked and I can not even cry as I wish, place a flower." The friends decide to meet the purchase of a niche temporarily, at least until those two parents will have the opportunity to be reunited. Another shot of "grace" comes, however, by the City in 48 lays down that the choice to buy or the grave or to end the deceased in the grave. The disarray, the anxiety, leading to sign up for 2.300euro. Then the burial. All done? "Not at all, it warns the legal challenge to the sale, the conditions under which the buyer was" forced "to sign it." But even die because Spinazzola is so difficult?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why Do Married Scorpio Men Have Mistress


Some people remain in our hearts, and no distance can ever take away from there.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bulk Leather Belt Blanks

An artist friend .... Post-Expo

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Can Fleas Bite Stomach Dogs

ensato posts but I do not do it.
Quidni, I will just say "show". # / video / video.php? V = 1801707409609 & oid = 327781751871 & comments

Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Write Catholic Confirmation Sponsor Letter

that the region has securitized At the request of the "Action Group pro hospital" the city council meeting in session monothematic mandated legal department of the City of 'forward, where the conditions are satisfied: a complaint to the prosecutor of Trani for interruption of public service by the Bt-Asl, as have occurred in other cities where they were cases from repayment plan regional hospitals, an appeal to the TAR on the acts of the Region. " Built by the city's commitment to a query by the regional council for Pd Mennea Ruggiero, who spoke during the session of the town, on the properties of the City of Spinazzola, the result of donations of citizens, that the region has to cover the securitized abyss of Health. The instances of the "Action Group pro-hospital "have been implemented and put to the vote of the councilors: Benedetto Silvestri

Vigilante (PDL) and Franca Carbone

(IDV). Voted in favor: Mayor Charles Scelzo
and its majority with one abstention Councillor

Luigi D'Amelio, the representative of the Greens Giuseppe Tarantini to the UDC, Nicola Di Tullio, did not participate to vote and away, the Socialist councilor John Orlandino . Inspired from the start, the council has seen opposing majority and minority. The Democratic Party has read a document in which he retraced his actions in support of the hospital, believed by the opposition late and unsuccessful. The game lasted responsibilities tones entries at the intervention of representatives of the "Action Group". Which I have put forward their demands in defense of the right to health. Order has been shown that the ASL / BT on 27 December heralded work in radiology, which has not begun, and that these should have been completed by February 15. These works have brought the supposed Asl / Bt to interrupt not only the outpatient services, creating unease among the citizens, but also the hospitalization of patients in acute and urgent. He was asked to shed light on goods that were in the hospital in Spinazzola then transferred to other hospitals, apparently without even oral delivery such as iron workers, and some machinery. Facts that emerged during a visit by Mr inspection. Pierfelice Zazzera (IDV). And yet, because it was not possible to proceed to booking day of mammograms in the ASL / Bt, when in fact, one of the machines that was simply pulled the plug is located right in the hospital in Spinazzola, in those rooms where the radiology works are not executed. Any exposed to allow prosecutors to enter into the merits of all the renovations going on for a year on the structure of Spinazzola, whose cost is estimated to million €. The 'Group action "to which all policies may have expressed gratitude for the efforts to raise awareness and fight (including a referendum to leave the Puglia and Basilicata enter, which will soon be formalized in the transition council) has highlighted the need to obtain an extension on the suspension of admissions to hospital Spinazzola, ordered by January 10, at least until the reorganization plan of the hospital, which will define the new role of the hospital will not be finally approved. Already highlighted this need to the Region by the mayor Scelzo with two letters and a telegram, has agreed to take the Regional Council Mennea author of the amendments to the hospitals Spinazzola and Minervino. Not least, the invitation, always by the "Action Group" to convey to the Region of Mennea asking citizens to sacrifice, " tears and blood" not to renew appointments to the general managers that are in various capacities investigated by the prosecutor. Card
The continuous depletion of the hospital Hospital Spinazzola in just over twelve years has passed by reference in luxury box empty. In 1999 beds distributed between medical and surgical area was 74, rose to 84 in 2002 with the addition of psychiatry. The decline part by the loss of autonomy, the year 2003. Spinazzola renumbered Canosa, to decide the regional president, center, Raffaele Lease
, sleeps 47 survivors. It 's the time of flight of professionalism, to leave doctors and nurses. Takes All Kinds: December 2010, signed by the center-left government Nichi Vendola . The hospital loses its code and the beds are cleared. The mitigating factor, "the national law requires the closure of all hospitals under 52 beds." What is at stake for Spinazzola is a set of surgeries, a form of RSA and two plots at the intensive short first point of intervention. So we read in the provisions of the December 30, medical director dr. Francesco
, in addition to station 118 medicalized. This is not a concession, but already exists.

How Long Does Sealant Need To Dry


post n.332. The next will be after the inauguration, 333. I like it. 3x111. 3 for a three. I can also stick in the middle of a two and make us come off a 21. Okay, enough with the delusions numerology.

Tonight (missing eight hours? Less!).
inaugurates "Possum en el Barcelona" Viñetas Viajero de un bicho.
I prepared a little speech, bought a drink and nibble.
There will be a few people. There will be many eyes and many hands.
I can not think of anything, I prefer to concentrate on unnecessary details such as how to dress, how to make-up, remember to bring everything you will need to make a playlist on spotify for the music.
would be nice if you were all there, but hopefully not the last opportunity to invite you to a vernissage.
Rather than hope for it, want it that way and we'll take the right precautions.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wolnosc I Problemy Pitagoras

missing two days ..!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Watch South Park Online Using Ipad

Emotions are pre-expo

The last few days, were really full. On different fronts and different commitments. Strong inside and strong outside.
So, Friday (missing three days) I inaugurate my first exposure. With the possibility of purchasing the illustrations.
The excitement begins to rise. Special thanks to
Raffa and Sandra helped me to hammer the nails (and fingers, sigh).