strange and paradoxical EACH
The story ends before the court on February 16 of Cosimo Forina
"Who dies and who lives is lying to peace", this old proverb did not find until now never understood, except in Spinazzola and for both parties. The first: the deceased, was held for six days, locked up in his coffin in the mortuary of the cemetery. Second, a child stricken with grief, was denied the chance to bury, albeit temporarily, the joint next to his other parent in a chapel in the local cemetery, because private. For this controversy, was set a hearing before the Court of Trani branch of Canosa di Puglia February 16, 2011. In the letters existed between the firm and the offices of the municipality, the tone of "gobbledygook" clash against a logic that rejects the imposition that seems to want to say, "if Spinazzola not buy your place in the building of the City, your joint remains to the morgue. " Here's the story. Two days after the death to the funeral took place on family lawyer send a fax to the mayor, the head of the engineering Spinazzola and the commander of the traffic police, and ordered the burial in a tomb made available "to pious Christian charity and for emotional reasons "by another family. Technical office, replied that the burial can not take place because "the use of the niche in this artifact does not appear to be returning to the availability of The artifact private. The Board may authorize the burial niche only after obtaining the municipal, or only after obtaining permission burial pit in the field of burial, in cases of proven hardship of the applicant. " Basically you have to buy your place, pay 2.300euro, otherwise you end up underground. And while the body remains in the morgue, always locked, open the interpretations of the blessed art.93 of the DPR 295/90, true that in granting an extension to the owners of niches to allow others to use if you have special ties between the parties. And this is the case. Among other things, confirmed and signed to the municipal offices, not one but two letters of the owner of the "artifact" (as he is called by the city), even in describing the reasons for this relationship. It is true that the husband of the deceased is in that chapel since 1984. But not enough. The desire to reunite the two parents but also because it fades if you want, the City does not currently have a new adjacent loculi much less of a cemetery area where to build a private chapel, but also because as we read, are denied the possibility of burial in the tomb made available by others. The nights that accompany mourning for this child become, not only awake, but dramatically filled with anguish: "My mother is in that room (the morgue ed) locked and I can not even cry as I wish, place a flower." The friends decide to meet the purchase of a niche temporarily, at least until those two parents will have the opportunity to be reunited. Another shot of "grace" comes, however, by the City in 48 lays down that the choice to buy or the grave or to end the deceased in the grave. The disarray, the anxiety, leading to sign up for 2.300euro. Then the burial. All done? "Not at all, it warns the legal challenge to the sale, the conditions under which the buyer was" forced "to sign it." But even die because Spinazzola is so difficult?
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