HEALTH PLAN DENIED Submitted by the City Attorney in a case to understand whether or not there has been no interruption of public service hospital, a city on the run from the Puglia region meets 'Group action "with the President of the Basilicata
Cosimo Forina After the use of the Regional Administrative Court against the decision of the regional council that December 15, 2010 approved the Regulation of the hospital network of the Region which concludes, among others, including the hospital in Spinazzola, filed a copious file to the prosecutor of Trani. The City wishes to understand if the exposed part of the ASL Bt or not there has been no interruption of public service, after repeated decisions with several provisions that led to the suspension of admissions and performance for work allegedly never started, specifically in environment as the two measures radiologia.I to protect the city not to be denied the right to health, challenge both the acts of the region as those of local health and Bt were applied in the municipal council on February 2 by the "Action Group pro hospital." Promoter among other initiatives of the request for a referendum aimed at divorce from Puglia Spinazzola for annexation in Basilicata. Just do not lose more time for the "Action Group" after filing under the Statute, the draft resolution to be accompanied by 742 signatures of electors certified by the mayor
Scelzo Carlo, the first signatory of the referendum, asked the mayor to hold the City Council for monothematic activate all the procedure laid down in the Constitution t.132 governed by the law 352/70. Meanwhile, the "Action Group" was active in getting an appointment with the President of Regione Basilicata, Vito De Filippo to expose the relevance of the city of Spinazzola with Lucania, whose time was already an integral part. "The referendum, saying the" Action Group "is not a joke or a provocation, we want to bring people to the consideration of this question: " You want to be separated from the territory of Puglia Spinazzola to become an integral part of the Region Basilicata ?
and look forward to the referendum campaign, some to obtain 50% plus one of the "Yes" Citizens of Spinazzola. Meanwhile on the opposite ex hospital, more or less nothing new, except that, as they do know a few patients, "you can not book within the local health examination of mammography." One of the machines for this important investigation in the fight against cancer is just a Spinazzola with unplugged, in the radiology where the work was expected to begin Dec. 27 and end Feb. 15. Another significant aspect is what is going to run tests or hospital stays. It's already quite a few spinazzolesi prefer to go for their needs to the nearby Basilicata, hospital Venosa, a city that is only 23 km from Spinazzola, rather than discomfort, often with luck reach for the few resources available to the public, the hospitals of Canosa, Andria and Barletta. A Venom hospitality and professionalism prevail over the controversy.
Nichi Vendola seems less and less of the other party spinazzolesi, a governor who prefers not to deal with citizens. Who now seem more determined than ever to slam the door in his face without giving appeal ..
card The closing stages of NUMBERS 1994: the beds are 74; 2002: rises to 84; 2003: with the Plan
Raffaele Fitto down to 47;
2010: the dark of the health plan of reorganization Nichi Vendola
them to zero.
DATES December 23, 2010
the Medical Director of the OP-Minervino Canosa-Spinazzola
Dr. Vito Campanile announced the temporary suspension of performance of Radiology and Ultrasound "Because of the work for compliance with fire regulations." We maintain long-term care admissions and are blocked only those urgent and acute.
December 30, 2010
The medical director Francis Argumentative suspend all admissions. The abolition of wards and long-term care with a break in admissions to 31 December, postponed January 10, 2011, and resignation of patients by 15 February 2011.
January 2010 amendments are introduced in the Region III Health Commission to save the hospital and Spinazzola Minervino Councillor
Ruggiero Mennea the Democratic Party, endorsed by City Council Spinazzola, Conference of Mayors of the Province of Barletta-Andria-Trani , Health Commission of the Province, Provincial Council Barletta-Andria-Trani
February 4, 2011 The Third Committee approves the repayment plan
February 7, 2011 The Regional Council approves the repayment plan. February 17, 2011
I have never work in radiology began, the hospital is effectively closed, the City of Spinazzola has filed an appeal to the TAR and a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office
TODAY A MEETING SCHEDULED PUBLIC TO 18 IN THE FORMER HIGH SCHOOL GYM And Minervino protest in front of the building of regional
Rosalba Matarrese Minervino Awakens the community to avert the closure of the hospital. After months of mobilization, activities, events in neighboring Spinazzola, Minervino also becomes aware of the situation of the hospital after the approval of the reorganization plan health Puglia. It is mobilizing mainly the "Committee for the Protection of the hospital "that promises sensational initiatives, including the streets in front of the Palace of the Region to demonstrate against the junta Vendola. Meanwhile
Giuseppe Renna
and Antonio Gallucci
- on behalf of the committee - have put pen to paper and sent an open letter to all associations and all civil society representatives. The note was also sent to the Prefectural Commissioner Nicholas Covelli
, the provincial councilors
Superb Michelangelo and Louis Roccotelli
and secretaries of all political parties and movements. The note invited politicians and political parties to participate in a debate scheduled for today Murgia in the center (to 18 at the former high school gym). In short, a public meeting to discuss the thorny issue of "health" and to plan the next steps against the closure. "The latest events on the fate of our hospital - and write Gallucci Renna - a result of the repayment plan and the restructuring of the region, are giving the final blow to our country. The thing we most bitter and the finding of feeling alone in our efforts to save the right to health and health services essential for everyone and especially the weakest. Us why we urge those who have represented Institutionally until December (the administration center-right led by former Mayor Ed Roccotelli) associations of various kinds, those that assist citizens in defending their rights, have not tried anything conclusive, given the situation that we face and the blockage of admissions? We know that neither the constitutional position, or associations to push the responsibility, but the awareness of civil and commits us to defend the rights of all citizens Minervino. To invite representatives of this party, and political associations to be at our next public meeting scheduled for today. "
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