Sunday, January 16, 2011

Abortions In Brampton

RECYCLING more shadows than lights
Bisceglie Tring and reached the highest percentage of collection: about twenty percent
a disastrous policy decision, supported by the Region, to focus on landfill and incineration has proved to bankruptcy
The table has published a photograph of the Province Barletta-Andria-Trani in the field of waste collection in 2010, which tells you what is still considered far from the waste as a resource and its reuse and recycling as a necessity to protect the environment and save money.
The neo NEO Province, next to deal with a full waste, could aspire to become a forge while inheriting the poor management capacity of individual municipalities continue to be a leader in various territorial optimal (BA/1- Ba/4-Fg / 4). Of these there are other far more virtuous and catastrophic. Flag upright in the differentiation is without doubt the town of Bisceglie, with its 20.923% with about 47 kg of waste per capita per month and Tring with its 20.909% of differentiated and about 43Kg monthly per capita. BLACK SWEATER

black jersey of the ten towns, stopping on the threshold of a single decimal digit Minervino Murge with 2.334%, 4.233% with Spinazzola who has finally announced after one year its data to the Region of Puglia and Margherita di Savoia to 5.490%. If the data from these cities had to be compared with other cities of their membership of Ato, Ba / 4 and the Murge Spinazzola and Minervino Fg / 4 Margaret laughable in the percentage of waste material would not change.
landfills and incinerators
We need to take a new path for waste. Obsolete, given the landfill and incineration until now proposed by the Region Apulia, which saw its governor Nichi Vendola also play the role of the special commissioner, has proved bankrupt for failing to achieve the minimum targets.
E 'can create a more virtuoso of the waste and removing it from the philosophy of emergencies often also the illegality? Without a doubt: "Yes." To explain the mechanism January 16 Altamura Ato Ba / 4 cities that hosted a controversial landfill for over 20 years, the worldwide promoter of "Zero Waste" Paul Connet, emeritus professor of environmental chemistry at the University of St. Lawrence Canton, New York. Connett in the last twenty years has dealt with waste, with particular reference to the risks associated with incinerators, and the development of more sustainable alternatives. WHAT HAPPENS ELSEWHERE

What says, "The Zero Waste Strategy has been adopted in several places the world. Over 50% of the towns in New Zealand, Canberra (Australia) is pursuing a policy of Zero Waste since 1996. Nova Scotia (Canada), the entire province. And then San Francisco where you need three languages \u200b\u200bto communicate with citizens: English, English and Chinese. If you manage them means that you can easily make over. San Francisco: 850 thousand inhabitants, skyscrapers and little space available. In 2000, differentiated by 50%, 64% in 2004, the 2010 target was 75% and 100% Zero Waste in 2020. In San Francisco there is confidence that economic incentives work well. " THREE ASPECTS

Three aspects are important to create according to Paul Connet the increase in waste: rewarding citizens, who manages the control of the waste business, "Overseas, the company concessionaire of the collection deals with recycling and composting, but does not own the landfill. So when they bring in residual waste landfill to pay their competitors, of course, tend to reduce their use. This is also target of the authorities. "

reuse and recycling and reuse and recycling of products, "the recovering members of its Xerox copiers that come from 16 countries in the Netherlands, save $ 76 million a year. So much for the overall objectives. But what about the packaging? The beer industry in Ontario for 50 years that re-uses returnable bottles recovered 98% of its bottles. No cost to the public. The method has created 2000 jobs. " "For those who govern, - says Connet - waste management is an issue down, to solve an irritating trifle."

THE Ecomafia We often increased the interests of the eco-mafia. The responses so far taken were insufficient: the landfill are largely exhausted, the opening of new sites is becoming increasingly complex, creating risks of incineration emissions. Therefore necessary to increase the collection that can not be left to the sense civic citizens. A priority that having data 2010 becomes bet for the future of the new province Barleta-Andria-Trani called to be towed to their municipalities.


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