Thursday, January 27, 2011

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SPINAZZOLA: YESTERDAY THE VISIT OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL ASL A month after the closure work and still uncertain future of Cosimo Forina Rocco Canosa, has made a visit to the hospital. It is not known to appreciate the work of the radiology or inaction as a result of so much news that follow one another day after day on the fate of the city hospital. Canosa, compared to its usual availability to the press, after responding to a hospitalized patient ("Hospital Spinazzola, as I have always said, change does not close only one name) said he did not want to make a statement. Yet it would be useful to know his latest news on the fate of the hospital and was denied because in practice for working in radiology. And finally, if his irritation with the press could be tied Articles appeared in the "Journal" or visits, unannounced inspections made before the Regional Council
Ruggiero Mennea
(Pd), author of the amendments to keep the hospital open and Spinazzola Minervino. Then Mr.
Pierfelice Zazzera (IDV), first to have raised the moral issue in health Puglia denouncing the conflict of interest commissioner of the then German
Alberto, now a senator of the Democratic Party. Mr. Mop was the author of the request alderman Thomas Fiore of "intervening in a radical way on a system now rotting away from ganglia health administration who is now involved in investigations by the prosecution. " Mop And the same was not at all soft on the hospital, "where you are consuming money, emptied in recent years in materials and professional skills, with reduced operating rooms in the warehouse."


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