Thursday, January 6, 2011

Making A Grooming Sling

MURGIA ENVIRONMENT AS PROTECTION? GO-AHEAD TO VARIOUS PROJECTS The guidelines do not hamper the Region wild ride in wind and solar
Cosimo Forina

Spinazzola. Launched new guidelines on renewable energy. Defined areas not suitable for installing equipment. For assessors
Loredana Capone, Angela Barbanente
, Lorenzo Nicastro

Stefano and Dario
, toast with enthusiasm, "we were able to accompany the development protecting land, environment and agriculture. " The immediate question: will stop the rape of Apulia? Not yet, need to wait, because as we read from Burp, "The regulation does not apply to proceedings pending at the date of its publication, when complete projects related to the solution of connection for which to this date have occurred the required environmental advice, nor to proceedings relating to wind farms that fall within the scope of the Regulations regional Oct. 4, 2006, n.16.
PROCEDURES Many, according to widespread reports with comments from Lipu (Italian League for Bird Protection). For in the new streamlined procedures "required through the web portal and digital projects, and then immediately projected on the cartography of Sit, the Geographic Information System. This will simplify and speed up permitting procedures. It will be possible to get expression of opinion within 180 days. " WHAT CHANGES? What's new from the region, President Nichi Vendola whose dream is to do in Puglia Saudi answered with renewables, but where it occurs in less than a gram of CO2 because they continue to burn fuel fossils, see Enel Cerano? Region where, among other things, the energy is far beyond their own needs, that only the wind, since GSE 2009 amounted to 1,684,376 megawatts. To reveal the "Press Region", "The Regulation also provides for a system of protection for so-called" visual cone ", that the views that characterize some Apulian landscapes and areas affected by agricultural production of high quality food, and lifestyle- or identified by brand names such as DOP, DOC, IGT, PGI, and others. The unsuitable areas have been identified through a detailed survey of all the provisions that protect the environment, landscape, historical and artistic heritage, traditions, local food, biodiversity and the rural landscape. Precisely because these protected areas are not compatible with the installations of renewable energy, in some cases because of the type of system, for other dimensions ". Ultimately, the region has discovered the "better late than never", as already expressed by the architect.
Ruggiero Martinez, Regional Director of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture of the Puglia, "is helpful to confirm that the actions of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels in Puglia, on the one hand, produce renewable energy, are making a serious detriment to a well that renewable energy is not: the landscape. " The change of course to the proliferation of poles wild wind and photovoltaic systems, comes among other things after the chairman of the anti-mafia
Beppe Pisanu has recently stressed the risk of Mafia infiltration in renewable energy in Puglia.
In "visual cone" We are over the territory of the Province of Barletta-Andria-Trani: "What image of the Apulia around the world and why its important tourist attraction: Castel del Monte, Canne Battle, Minervino Murge. And thank goodness! Otherwise the world would have laughed at you and beyond. Although one should not forget that it is today Minervino Murge. In the area scissor kick from the first perimeter of the Alta Murgia National Park rise towers dozens of dismembered landscape of concern and different measures of public prosecutors. Territory of the "Ventus" in defense of the protected conduct by the men of the State Forestry Corps of Gravina di Puglia. Next hearing set Feb. 15 at the Court of Canosa di Puglia. Minervino Spinazzola ended up with several parliamentary questions which asked the Government to account on any Mafia connections to co-accused involved in the Murgia Puglia, associates of the super-fugitive Matteo Messina Denaro . Arrests made in the "Aeolus" in Mazara del Vallo, Sicily. Enthusiasm and guidance on alternative energy deserve consideration. Spinazzola species for which there may be a large archeological park for new major discoveries made by several universities, not described in the new regional plan. However, given the references to the law, would not be hurt by the region to require all companies that installs alternative energy systems to provide your own certificate mafia. This is also protecting the environment and legality. ENVIRONMENT AND THE LANDSCAPE new measures approved with considerable damage already inflicted
'visual cone' but in the meantime to protect the blades and mirrors ranging Murgia already
Rosalba Matarrese Minervino.
The region says no to wind and photovoltaics in the territory of Minervino. In the new regional guidelines for renewable energy came into force on December 31 last fall Minervino in "protected sites" for the type of landscape and the landscape, where you can not make any kind of plant. A measure and complex one published report on the regional official, but it is late. Suffice it to recall that in the Murgia region, near the Castel del Monte, there is a wind farm with about fifty towers, and photovoltaic systems have grown like mushrooms everywhere. Let's see how they change the rules to install wind turbines and photovoltaic panels in Puglia. Regulation No 24 December 30, implements the provisions of national guidelines for the authorization of the plant to produce green energy. In practice identifies a number of areas and sites suitable for the installation of specific types of plants for the production of clean energy over the whole territory of Puglia. In these areas the authorization request to an eventual settlement would therefore fail. Specifically these areas are subject to constraint: parks, reserves, UNESCO sites, cultural heritage, and areas of significant public interest. The measure shall also speaks of so-called "visual cone", that is - according to Annex - "those that characterize the views of some areas and landscapes of Puglia affected by agricultural production of high quality food, and lifestyle-or identified by the marks. " Annex 3 therefore indicates areas and sites where it is permitted to locate specific types of plants. An example is the "visual cone", that is - says the regulation - views from those who are the business card of Apulia in the world and are a tourist attraction because of its: views as Castel del Monte, Canne della Battaglia, the Castle Lucera, Castel Fiorentino, Dragonara, Vieste, Minervino Murge, Fasano, Ostuni and others. Close to the town Murgia there is already a wind farm, consisting of approximately fifty-two turbines. The first wind turbines were installed in July 2008. Within less than two years has been to install the fifty blades under the original project. A long and complex story that the completion of the park, which saw the protagonists Murgia environmental groups, the Lipu, Pro Landscape Association and Mr Carlo Ripa di Meana, all opposed to its implementation. There were also problems with permissions, especially on a wind turbine, whose cabin voltage falls within the territory of the Park of Alta Murgia, fully protected area: the tower was also seized and the case is having legal implications. It is too soon to assess the consequences and benefits of wind farm: certainly give a bit 'of oxygen to the coffers of the City. As for the size of the park, remember that the total number of blades has been reduced compared to the initial plan, asking the execution of two hundred fifty-two towers. There is no shortage of photovoltaic systems on both the ground and on rooftops, under the Regulation of photovoltaics through which the City has placed regulations on the


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