"If in order to avoid acts of empire of Nichi Vendola, an aspiring leader center (and country), Spinazzola small town Murgia inland calls to abandon the Puglia and Basilicata to be annexed, the Italians with a possible President of the Council as to those who ask for asylum? ": it is one of the considerations that hover in a city that has experienced the rhetoric of the governor of Puglia, which in fact has been realized with a completely different final. The closure of the hospital is only the last straw that broke the camel's back, much like the mythological Zeus offered to recommend that he do not open Pandora. But Pandora's curiosity could not hold back and opening the container was released all the evils infesting the world. A stay at the bottom before it was closed "hope" that they remained there until Pandora view the desolation created not freed. The referendum called by the "Action Group pro hospital" to be read as a last Spinazzola side of "hope." "Ask the annexation of Basilicata - retort from the" Action Group "- is to avoid the administrative acts of Vendola, to the Spinazzola against his work." In addition to closing the hospital, here you have in mind the landfill "Grottelline" improper acquisition of some property of the city, the result of donations from benefactors, cartollizzati property for about € 6 million with which you try to pay the debts of the regional health. The ruin who became a hospital where they put all their hands, but only to take and not to leave. Do not forget also the former Health Department Alberto
German , chosen by Vendola, now a senator of the Democratic Party, for its links with the Tradeco. That the owner of the waste in Puglia Carlo Dante Columella the target of several prosecutors who, with the group Cogeam
Marcegaglia received in the management of landfill "Grottelline. And in order not to miss anything in knots also check the "Vi.Ri." attributable to the company came under investigation by Columella District Anti-Mafia prosecutor in Bari for contracts on hospital waste. Fact that they see across silent local parties. The rift with Vendola broad topics: hospital, trash, alternative energy with its Mafia infiltration, railways closed in August, roads are not completed in time to reach the nearest hospital: a humiliation no longer acceptable to the city, so it is better leave in Basilicata. Front of the hospital, the latest news. On January 10, ceased to sway the region and local health directive, Commissioner Rocco Canosa
, shelters. On the last day available shelters were ten, some coming just from the nearby Basilicata. Yesterday, other patients have been rejected and sent elsewhere. Returning to the "hope": the Committee on 17 Regional Health will meet to have its say on the repayment plan and the councilor of Vendola Tommaso Fiore . The latter, on 14, after his return from Rome to meet with Democratic Party that will explain the amendment shared by all for hospitals and Spinazzola Minervino. "The package needs can only lead - the mayor says Carlo Spinazzola Scelzo - to a more careful analysis of the needs of different areas, adjustments needed to fully guarantee the right to health." Scary stuff for Vendola to Spinazzola. The referendum will not fail to be his weight for his future ambitions. ACTION TAKEN BY HONOR AGAINST silvestris Scelzo "APOLOGIZE TO THE CITY" ZAZZERI (IDV) CALLS FOR A COMPARISON strong reactions from Italy and Europe on the case Spinazzola for the theft of his hospital. Mr. Sergio Silvestris , MEP of the PDL, "Mayor Scelzo apologize to Spinazzola. I read the statements by the mayor of shocked Spinazzola and even more surprised I read that the mayor would sign a referendum to ask the membership of the Region Basilicata Spinazzola. I believe that there is a limit to everything and the mayor Scelza has far exceeded all bounds of decency. A mayor must first take responsibility for institutional policies and his competence and Scelzo, simply sign petitions of others, does not assume its responsibilities. We had made it clear during the election campaign that the regional government led by the Communist Nichi Vendola was shattered health. We also said that the reelection of Nichi Vendola, the sample of waste and extravagance in health, would lead to the closure of many hospitals. This is now happening on time. Who Scelzo claimed as the regional center in the last election to do is apologize to the city community that has been teased and cheated by that today is as fundamental as a hospital. " Silvestris concludes: "joining civic initiatives, for meritorious respect, the mayor serves Scelzo just to try to save face and not to assume their responsibilities. In fact, even by members of the Conference of Mayors of the Bat, he was unable to get to the hospital in a better fate Spinazzola closing. That the mayor to apologize to the city before you even think of not to resign or to take out petitions that do not belong. " Another analysis that comes Mr. Pierfelice Zazzera
Italy of Values, "The process of rationalization of regional health, if we speak of this, referring to the numerous closures of hospitals budgeted in the region, can not be dropped on the other but must be born from an agreement with the territory, with local institutions representing the user and the social partners. And 'This is the invitation that I address to the Regional Fiore and the president Vendola: not fade away behind decisions, but to share, most of discuterle.Tanto - concludes Mop - the closure of some hospitals is justified in the face of a strengthening of medicine territorial, so far, there appears to start. Finally, I believe the proposed referendum for annexation to the Basilicata a provocative proposal, the result of inattention by warning that the territory of the organs of central government, even on a regional basis. " [C. for.] MINERVINO
"The governor Vendola visit our departments' of Rosalba Matarrese
spotlight on the closure of the hospital Murgia. Less dramatic than Spinazzola, there is also a Minervino a climate of confusion, distress and disappointment at what happened. Therefore, a silent protest and obvious lack of initiatives, perhaps in part because of uncertainty due to the fall in advance of the municipal administration that is monopolizing the attention at. In short, the town Murgia is really living a critical and delicate period, both politically and socially. And with the closing of the risk of hospital confinement for Minervino is very high. It grows well as concern for the elderly that he will have to do to receive essential health services, shelters, specialized analysis in different structures and distanti.Intanto one another disappointment interventions that are on the same wavelength both majority and opposition. The question is also addressed the city committee, "Save our hospital" which launched in the wake of mobilization spinazzolese, another appeal to the President of the Region of Puglia Nichi Vendola. "At this moment - the statement signed by the Official Committee - say the President
that we are ashamed of being from Puglia. We ask the president to head of health and Vendola Tommaso Fiore come to visit our hospital to see first hand what happened. We remember well that there are seven hospitals in seven-ten miles away in other cities and have not been minimally affected by the reorganization of health. " And on the question of the unique hospital in the two towns Murgia which is being spent is the mayor of Carlo Spinazzola
that the former mayor of Louis Minervino Roccotelli, remember the position expressed by the regional council for Pd Ruggiero Mennea . According to the director Mennea: "The requirements under the plan of return are completely compatible with the birth of a defense-only Minervino Spinazzola, divided between two hospital complexes - the adviser said the regional - the existing two codes would be reduced to a hospital, while the number of beds would be divided between the two existing principals '. "The community Minervino Spinazzola and have the right to have a hospital: they are border towns, the risk is high that they remain completely isolated," concluded Roger
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